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UCAIug Meeting Agendas CIGRE 2010

Webinar Information for UCAIug Annual Meeting 2010

UCAIug Annual Meeting CIGRE 2010 Join us for a Webinar on August 24 UCAIug Annual Meeting Cigre 2010 Physical
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UCAIug Annual Meeting 2010



The 2010 Annual Meeting of the UCA International Users Group (UCAIug) will take place during the 2010 CIGRÉ Session in Paris on 24 August 2010 at the Palais des congrès de Paris from 0900-1230 in Room 352B on the 3rd Level.


         Date:                24 August 2010

        Time:                09:00 - 12:00 CEST

         Venue:             Room 352B, 3rd Level, Palais des congrès de Paris

         Location:        Paris, France 

        Convenor:      Kay Clinard




This is the 2010 Annual Meeting for UCAIug.  All are welcome to come and participate.






0900 – 1000 CEST      Welcome and UCAIug Update:

    • Opening Remarks, Erich Gunther - Chairman UCAIug BoD
    • UCAIug Update, Kay Clinard - President UCAIug
    • Testing Report, Bruce Muschlitz - Co-Chair f CAIug Testing Technical Commitee
    • Marketing Presntation, Ralph Mackiewicz - Chairman UCAIug Marketing Committee


10:00 – 1030 CEST      Project Presentation:

    • "Is EDF R&D feedback on CIM usage relevant for Smartgrid vision ?", Eric Lambert, EDF R&D         


1030 – 1100      Break - Refreshments will be provided


1100 – 1200      CEST   Project Presentations (Continued)

    • "Power Quality Enhancements for IEC 61850", Daniel Cumming, Schneider Electric  
    •  "HSR: Industrial Ethernet redundancy with zero recovery time and low cost
      (High availability Seamless Ring, IEC 62439-3)", Dr Hubert Kirrmann, ABB

1200 – 1230       CEST    FEEDBACK, Input from Attendees


1230                  CEST    Adjourn



All Interested Parties are Welcome to Attend

2011 Interoperability Testing Event Planning Meeting

UCAIug Distribution Interoperability Testing (Distribution IOP) Working Group Join us for a Webinar on August 25

Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat now at:





UCAIug Distribution Interoperability Testing Working Group

 2011 Interoperability Testing Event Planning Meeting

 The first meeting of the UCA International Users Group (UCAIug) Distribution Interoperability Testing (Distribution IOP) Working Group will take place during the 2010 CIGRÉ Session in Paris on 25 August 2010 at the Palais des congrès de Paris from 0900-1200 in Room 242B on the 2nd Level.


         Date:                25 August 2010

        Time:                09:00 - 12:00 CEST

         Venue:             Room 242B, 2nd Level, Palais des congrès de Paris

         Location:        Paris, France 

        Convenor:       Margaret Goodrich



In early 2011 a Distribution IOP Test Event is planned that will conduct interoperability testing of interfaces from multiple sources that implement web service messaging based on the Common Information Model (CIM) using IEC 61968 standards.


This will be a working session intended to solicit participation in the Distribution IOP Test Event scheduled for early 2011, coordinate with participants, and to inform other interested parties about this important UCAIug sponsored activity.

Additionally, it is desired to explore the feasibility of incorporating Interoperability Testing of IEC 61850 systems into the planned event.

Anyone planning to participate in the 2011 Distribution IOP Test Event should plan to attend. But any interested party is welcome to come and learn about this important industry activity. 



  • Review of Existing Interoperability Testing Activities and Methods
  • Review Goals and Objectives for the Distribution IOP Event
  • Incorporation of IEC 61850 Interoperability Testing
  • Review Use Cases – Detailed and High Level
  • Define and document set of tests to be performed
  • Determine issues that need to be addressed before testing
  • Review Participant List
  • Discuss Test setup for Each Test
  • Review Schedule/Timeline for Testing
  • Discuss Preparations and Facilities for Testing
  • Testing Collaboration Site – CIMug Web Site

 Refreshments during the break will be provided.


All Interested Parties are Welcome to Attend

UCAIug Testing Committee

UCAIug Testing Technical Committee Meeting Join us for a Webinar on August 25

Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat now at: 




UCAIug Testing Technical Committee Meeting


will take place during the 2010 CIGRÉ Session in Paris on 25 August 2010 at the Palais des congrès de Paris from 0900-1200 in Room 242B on the 2nd Level.


         Date:          25 August 2010

        Time:          12:30- 18:30 CEST

         Venue:       Room 242B, 2nd Level, Palais des congrès de Paris

         Location:   Paris, France 

        Convenor:  Bruce Muschlitz 




20 Minutes –   pre-meeting

130 minutes – Invited presentations

Remainder –    Committee business


Detailed agenda:

20 Minutes - pre-meeting

             5 minutes - Opening remarks by chair

            10 minutes – Introductions by attendees

             5 minutes – invitation to re-order agenda


130 Minutes - Session 1 : Invited Presentations

            30 minutes - Bruce Muschlitz – UCAI Testing committee work: past, present, and future

            30 minutes - Namho Lee – KEPRI Client Testing System

            -- break--

            30 minutes - Richard Schimmel – Real-world experience with testing

– failures during testing (top-ten failures)

            20 minutes Bruce Muschlitz – Highly Interoperable ISD (Intelligent System devices)

            20 minutes Bruce Muschlitz – Relationship of this committee with:

                        UCAIug OpenSG and UCAIug CIM and USE61400 and NIST SGIP TCC and IEC TC57 WG10

            -- break --



Remainder - Session 2 : Committee business

            45 minutes - Strategic directions of testing committee

                        Bruce Muschlitz - Yearly Audits of Level A (on-site) and Level B (remote)

                        Richard Schimmel - Edition 2 preparation

                                    Be ready to test devices 1-2 months after last 61850 IS of 8-1, 9-2 is published

                                    Need a timeline for Ed2 server, Ed1/Ed2 Client, Ed2 engineering tools

                                    Begin to write detailed test procedures as soon as 7-2 FDIS draft sent to Geneva (now)

                                    Plan to release Ed2 Server 2011-February? People say “OK”

                        Bruce Muschlitz – Additional testing services – Network devices, SCL tools testing, others?

                        Bruce Muschlitz - Should we focus only on Ed2 or keep Ed1 testing up-to-date?

            20 minutes - Richard Schimmel - Platform testing (again), how to accredit devices with:

                        - Same firmware/hardware, different ICD file (different data model)

                        - Virtual relay (example, PC with plug-in cards)

                        - Common source code libraries

                        - Common object code (example, DLL libraries)

            -- break --

            10 minutes – Bruce Muschlitz - Meetings:

Too many? too few? Is meeting duration 1 hour OK?

Split into task forces?

            30 minutes – Jack Robinson (Bruce to present this) –

Funding: should we begin to charge testing fees

(per submitted certificate, annual per vendor, annual per tester?)

            60 Minutes – Bruce Muschlitz - Interoperability testing

                        - what is strategy (simply expand upon all corresponding positive test cases?)

                        - application versus communication interoperability?

                        - Functional vs. performance testing?

                        - What are other groups doing for interoperability testing

            -- break --

            10 minutes – Richard Schimmel –

Plugging holes in tests: example of mixing fast/slow (1A/1B) GOOSE publishers in a single unit

            10 minutes – Bruce Muschlitz - Virtual substation (remote testing):

should we revive this testing; should we accredit test houses supporting this?

            10 minutes - BM/RS - ICD file posting:        

                        is there still industry support for this?

                        Should we make ICD file posting mandatory?

                        Allow posting of alternate (vendor-declared but not tested) ICD files?

            10 minutes – Coordination between UCAIug Testing Technical committee and others

                        UCAIug 61850 test procedures Working Group

                        UCAIug CIM

                        UCAIug Open Smart Grid Conformity Working Group

                        NIST SGIP Testing and Certification COmmittee

            10 minutes - new topics as arising?

            10 minutes - meeting closure
