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 Questions, Comments, Concerns?

Please contact UCAIug directly at:


P.O. Box 315

Shell Knob, MO 65747, USA

PH (903)477-7176


 Membership Options

    Guest Membership

    Complete the registration form on the right side of the UCA homepage for immediate, FREE Guest access to the site.  Registered members receive access to all public information and documents posted on UCAIug web-sites.


    Create your account now to begin your FREE Guest Membership.


    Full Membership

    Full Membership in UCAIug is a subscription based service which provides complete access to each of our three (3) affiliated user communities:  CIMug, IEC61850ug, and OpenSmartGridug.  Both individual and corporate membership options are available.


    Individual Members benefits:

    ·         Access to user community forums

    ·         Access to both UCAIug public and private document libraries

    ·         Help Desk support

    ·         Participation and industry networking in ICAIug meetings

    ·         Professional ownership of working with the international standards process

    Corporate Members benefits:

    ·         Voting privileges for Board of Directors and other organizational issues 

    ·         Multiple employees are provided access to ICAIug resources

    ·         Corporate logo will be posted on UCAIug site and linked to member web pages

    ·         Use of the UCAIug logos on appropriate corporate materials

    ·         Participation in industry marketing events and in UCAIug affiliated booths.   


    Note: Corporate Membership Fees are based on the annual revenue of the member company.

    For multiple corporations, add the income from all and find the appropriate TIER. Then add the number of companies minus the allocated under the OPTIONAL Logos to determine the total membership fees.


    To upgrade your Guest Membership or to register for Full Membership, just complete the following process:


    1.     Add the appropriate paid membership to the shopping cart using the provided links (below).  After completing your order, please note the “order confirmation number”

    2.     Complete the registration form (below) by imputing your “order confirmation number”

TIER Annual Revenue (USD) Membership Fee (USD) Accounts Allocated Brands/Email Domains Allocated

Payment Option

1 >$1 Mil $1,375 / year 5



2   $1 Mil to 10 Mill $2,750/ year 10     1


3 $10 Mill to $100 Mill $4,125 / year 15     1


4 $100 Mill to $1 Bill $5,500/ year 20     1


5 $1 Bill t0 $10 Bill $6,875 / year 50     1


6 $10 Bill to $50 Bill $10,450/ year 100     1


7 $50 Bill to $100 Bill $16,000/ year 150     2


8 Over $100 Bill $20,000/ year Unlimited     3


9 Sustaining Member $25,000/ year Unlimited     4


Options Additional Brand & Email Domains $2,000/Year Each      1


University OR Public Utility Commission

$1/Year As Needed      1

Send Request for Membership On Organization Letterhead, with  description of Smart Grid  Activities to


  $375 / year