The Agora Center is an internationally recognized and networked research center for interdisciplinary, innovative research on human technology and the knowledge society at the University of Jyvaskyla. It creatively combines research of high international standards from a variety of scientific disciplines with the know-how derived from its diverse partner network. The Industrial Ontologies Group (IOG) Within the Agora Center is a research group whose main areas of interest are Semantic Web, multi-agent systems and cloud computing ( The ultimate goal of the group is the creation of Global Understanding Environment (GUN) where different heterogeneous resources (physical devices, software, humans, etc.) are capable of forming self-managed ecosystems by "understanding" and utilizing each other's services. IOG also has a long history of cooperation with industrial partners, Among UCAIug members, IOG has cooperated with Fingrid and ABB. IOG's main interest within UCAIug is CIM model and therefore CIM Users Group. We have experience of integration of heterogeneous data sources using Semantic Web technologies. We would like to find methods for easy migration from legacy systems to CIM-based systems, and their further integration.