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UCAIug > Meetings > CIGRE 2014 > CIGRE 2014 Booth Theme  

CIGRE 2014 Booth Theme

This is a survey to solicit input and ideas for the Booth Theme, and initially capture an idea of member companies interested in participating.

Survey has been closed

1. Please indicate all of the areas below that you would be interested in seeing in the 2014 Booth...Note our goal must be to demonstrate what is working well...

 IEC61850 edition 2
 ENTSOE [separate area?]
 SCL (one of the Munich IOP issues)
 Interoperability between tools
 IEC61850 edition 2; Testing; SCL (one of the Munich IOP issues)
 PRP/HSR; PTP1588; IEC61850 edition 2; Testing
 PRP/HSR; IEC61850 edition 2; Testing; ENTSOE [separate area?]; SCL (one of the Munich IOP issues)
 PRP/HSR; PTP1588; IEC61850 edition 2
 PRP/HSR; IEC61850 edition 2; Testing; ENTSOE [separate area?]; SCL (one of the Munich IOP issues); Interoperability between tools

Total: 9

2. Additional Ideas your company might have

 Process bus according to IEC 61850-9-2LE (Publisher and Subscriber)
 Process bus (9-2LE, Merging Units)
 Taking into account little time remaining to CIGRE 2014 perhaps this year the UCA Iug booth should allow "open IEC 61850 demos" instead of large interoperability which requires significant preparation efforts. "Open IEC 61850 demo" should allow small and mid-size players to have presence at CIGRE via UCA booth

Total: 3

3. What are your customers asking for that might fit into a booth demo

 PRP/HSR & IEEE1588 running together

Total: 1

4. Is your company interested in participating in the UCAIug 2014 CIGRE booth?


Total: 9


We will decide about the participation on ENTSO-E area depending on the content of this demonstration
If possible, we would be willing to give a presentation regarding 61850 in the context of Cigre 2014.
Survey filled out on behalf of System-on-chip engineering SoC-e

The formally organized demos increase the cost to participate. However, I still think that an interoperability demo can be done. In the past we have done "ad-hoc" demos. Network vendors would bring switches, would run a cable to each pod. Participants would bring what they want and make connections to the other participants as they could or just demo what they wanted. Groups of participants also self-organized demos among themselves. That is how it worked in 2006. It worked good too. If something didn't work it wasn't demoed.

I think IEC 61850 works pretty good overall and we don't need a big elaborate plan to put an interoperability demo together.


Total: 4

6. Your company contact for the 2014 CIGRE booth discussions

 Iñigo Ferrero (
 Richard Schimmel: +31 2635 6 6231 Pierfrancesco Cioci: +31 2635 6 2371
 Roman Graf
 Dylan Jenkins
 Jose Carlos Billalabeitia
 Ralph Mackiewicz

Total: 9