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Newsletter Discussion Forum

Topic: Shared Branding of News Letters
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Posted By: patricia.brown on 10/27/2011 04:41:18 PM ID #2057

Sure thing!  The current version is attached.  When I talked to our EPRI PR folks about co-sponsorship, they suggested putting a UCA logo with a "Meeting sponsored by" note on the first page, left column (move the CEPS banner picture down).

Reply to kay on 10/14/2011 02:50:00 PM

Good day folks,

This fourum accepts participation via e-mails sent to

This is a discussion forum UCAIug Newsletter Issues.  The opportunity we have before us is to find an acceptable method of Shared Branding between UCAIug, and EPRI for UCAIug related news letters.  For the last CIMug meeting, Pat Brown, under EPRI sponsorship attended the meeting and subsequently generated an excellent news letter for the meeting, including the layout by additional EPRI publication staff

I wouldl like to propose a shared branding that would put the newsletter out as a UCAIug document, with a By-Line [including headshot photo] for Pat, acknowledging EPRI support [truly without it there would be no newsletter].  The news letter is in double column format.  We could put the By-Line etiher at the beginning of the in a Newspaper/magazine article...

Pat, would you please send a copy of the newsletter as it now stands to the discussion forum?

Candid input is sought, and apprediated.