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UCAIug > About UCAIug > Org Chart Descriptions > Members  

Org Chart Descriptions: Members




The potential membership of UCA International is any stakeholder in the utility industry.  A list of the current corporate membership may be found on the top page of this site at:  Different levels of membership are available for these varying stakeholders in order to attract the critical mass of effort needed to make our mission a success. Stakeholders include:
  • Electric, water and/or gas utilities including investor owned, municipal, government, and cooperative utilities and related companies such as RTOs, ISOs, IPPs, etc.
  • Suppliers of equipment and services to these utilities including equipment manufacturers, system integrators, consultants, and software developers.
  • Industry organizations including research consortiums, standards organizations, and professional societies.
  • Institutions of higher learning that provide educational programs in areas of interest to other Users Group members.
  • Individuals who participate professionally in the utility industry.
As the Users Group expands to encompass a wider range of utility-related technical standards, the Board will continue to evaluate annually the areas of interest of the members. This evaluation will be used to guide the allocation of resources to ensure that the needs of all of the users are addressed.
Created at 9/25/2008 10:33 AM  by fred testfrog 
Last modified at 9/25/2008 4:11 PM  by fred testfrog