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UCAIug > About UCAIug > Org Chart Descriptions > Board of Directors  

Org Chart Descriptions: Board of Directors


Board of Directors 


The Organization members elect a Board of Directors. Each corporate representative can cast one vote.  Members of the Board of Directors serve for a period of three years each. The periods of service are staggered so that each year one third of the board members are elected. The current BoD Members may be found here:  The Board makes major decisions and directs key activities. The Board has nine positions, six are utilities (end users) and three are vendors or others. The Board members (individuals) are allowed to hold their seats even if their eligibility status changes (e.g., they move from a user to vendor company) during their tenure unless they are removed or replaced by Board action. The Board meets yearly to elect the Board Chairman and the operational officers and review progress of the Organization. Board responsibilities include:
  • Establishing/approval of development direction based on member input.
  • Approving the annual budget.
  • Monitoring Organization progress vs. targets.
  • Approving committee co-chairs recommended by the respective Committees/Subcommittees.
  • Recommending Bylaws.
  • Electing and advising operating staff.
Created at 9/25/2008 10:33 AM  by fred testfrog 
Last modified at 9/25/2008 10:33 AM  by fred testfrog