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UCAIug > About UCAIug > Org Chart Descriptions > Executive Committee  

Org Chart Descriptions: Executive Committee


Executive Committee 


The Executive Committee (EC) is comprised of utility and vendor members representing the UCAIug and User Communities.  Members of the EC are elected by a vote of the member companies, and serve an unlimited term.  The Executive Committee has the primary responsibility for providing guidance and recommending the strategic direction for the organization. This includes identifying tasks, budgets, schedules, Users Group goals and proposing its reporting Subcommittees and members. The major vehicle for this policy shall be the Users Group Annual Plan (written by the Officers with input from the Executive Committee). The Executive Committee is responsible for approving subcommittee co-chairs recommended by the respective Committees and Subcommittees. Each Committee and Subcommittee is responsible for establishing working groups and approving working group co-chairs for working groups assigned to them.
Created at 9/25/2008 10:33 AM  by fred testfrog 
Last modified at 9/25/2008 10:33 AM  by fred testfrog