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UCAIug > About UCAIug > Org Chart Descriptions > Technical Oversight Committee  

Org Chart Descriptions: Technical Oversight Committee


Technical Oversight Committee 


The Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) reports to the Board. Each of the individual technical areas such as IEC61850, CIM, OpenSmartGrid, Testing, etc., has a unique Technical Sub-Committee to fill its needs. The TOC is responsible for management and coordination of the technical work carried out by its selected subcommittees and working groups. The TOC also recommends work items for the technical working groups, and approves working group output as relevant to the work items. The co-chairs of the Technical Subcommittees reporting to the TOC are automatic members of the TOC. All activities shall be carried out in close cooperation with the Users Group President.

The TOC may meet bi-annually to coordinate major activities and report on results. Recommendations for new work items shall be turned over to the Users Group President and the Executive Committee for review for costs and general compliance to Organization goals. Technical Subcommittees and workgroups will be assigned specific tasks based on areas of expertise. Technical work meetings and industry workshops take place as needed to:
• Guide the recommended development
• Prepare Users Group Technical documents
• Review the TISSUES and assign to individuals or working groups for resolution
• Recommend TISSUE resolution through appropriate Tissues processes that are established by the UCA International Users Group, and the IEC TC Working Groups responsible for the standard to which the Tissue applies.
• Complete the task documents
• Establish and maintain technical Work Groups of individuals with recognized expertise in specific areas (communication services and stack, MMS, security, object models, testing, relaying, metering, CIM class model, CIM messages, etc.)
• Coordinate the recommendations through the Liaison Subcommittee
Created at 9/25/2008 10:33 AM  by fred testfrog 
Last modified at 8/10/2010 11:52 AM  by kay